You are here: Commerce Manager > Catalog Management > Categories and Nodes > Creating a Category

Creating a Category

  1. To create a new category, click on Create New and then click on New Category/Node.

This page will appear when creating a new category or editing an existing one. The Catalog Node Edit page will contain information of a Node selected from the Node List page.

Overview Fields

Once done, click OK on the bottom of the page.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be achieved by entering the following information for the product.


Under Assets, you can associate additional files such as images, pdf, and video files all stored in the Asset Management system.

Follow these three simple steps to add an asset file to the current entry.

  1. Click on the Find Assets pull-down menu to display all files available in the Asset system.
  2. Choose one file at a time and type in an appropriate Group Name (see table below), depending now how you would like it to be displayed.
  3. Click on Add Asset. The asset associated to this entry will appear in the lower section of the screen.
File type Group Names How it gets displayed in the public site
mage Files (jpg, pgn, etc.) image Thumbnail icon will appear on the product details page
Downloadable Files (docs, pdf, mp3s) Downloads

A "Downloads" tab will appear towards the bottom of the details page

Specification Files (docs, pdf) Specifications A "Specifications" tab will appear towards the bottom of the details page


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us